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Expert Guidance

Managing People

Stepping into managing people for the first time initially feels very exciting. Those feelings are often followed by the reality of the challenge ahead. We have an extensive range of solutions built from our own experience to help you navigate and succeed.

What we know is that managers need to be able to: 


  • Describe and display the skills and behaviours to earn themselves the title of “Great Boss”

  • Motivate and support their teams to achieve the best performance

  • Have tough conversations





 - 2 Day Course -


  • Understand the role of a manager and the skills and behaviours expected/required to manage effectively

  • Understand the importance of setting SMART objectives for your team

  • Understand the value of effective team working and the stages of team development

  • Recognise the importance of effective communication and engagement

  • Provide leadership for your team through effective time management and delegation

  • Manage conflict by being assertive

  • Give effective feedback using a practical framework


Contact us for a FREE 
1 hour no obligation consultation to find out more about our training style and the models we use
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